Monday, March 29, 2010

Jesus, i love you, Lord. You are my Savior and Redeemer.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I know how much Yahweh loves me.....

Oh my soul, praise the Lord for His everlasting love for all of us. Everyday i will praise and thank You, Abba Father for loving us as we are. You are good and gracious to us even though we are not worthy but in Christ we are precious to You. When i look at the cross i know how much You love me. Oh my soul, praise the Lord for His mercy and grace for all of us. Thank You, Abba Father that You never leave nor forsake me. Hold all of us close to Your heart and never let us go. Help us to walk in Christ and rooted in Him as we live our lives here on earth by the power of Your Holy Spirit. As we entrust and submit ourselves to Jesus we know we will have everlasting joy and victory belong to us. Hallelujah! Everyday i will thank and praise You for Jesus our Lord and Savior. All glory be to the Mighty God Creator of heaven and earth. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words by no means pass away.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Give thanks with grateful heart to the LORD.

Proverbs: 10:22 The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it. Praise the LORD!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We love You, Abba Father for who You are.

Hallelujah! May the love of Christ reign forever and ever in our hearts. Let us give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His mercy endures forever. Father God, i pray that Your Holy Spirit will draw M & M close to You, in Jesus` name, Amen.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thank You, Father for Your everlasting love......

Psalm 103:13
As a father pities his children, So the Lord pities those who fear Him.
God shows His amazing grace and love toward us through His only Son Jesus on the CROSS.......Indeed God loves us so much. John 3:16. I prayed to God that one day my mother and my siblings hearts will be filled with love for Christ for who He is and proclaim How great is our God. I love You, Abba Father, for Your everlasting love toward me. I know only by Your grace that we are able to go through all the challenges that we faced in Toronto by trusting and believing in Your love toward us. To know that the power of Christ will lead us through as long as we believe in You. Thank You, Father for all our friends who uphold us in theirs prayers, bless them, Lord God, i pray in Jesus` name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that within me bless the Lord!