Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jesus is risen. He is alive! Hallelujah!

I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever. Rev 1:17-18
Because He lives, we have hope as we put our trust in Him who has triumphed over evil and conquered death that we in Him are empowered by His Holy Spirit. Thanks be to Almighty God who gives us victory in Jesus. As children of God, we enjoy His love and protection wherever we go for we belong to Christ forever. As we entrust our lives to Jesus and make Him the Lord over us we will taste His goodness and sweetness and everlasting joy. He promised to be with us as we face storm and trial in our journey here on earth by holding our hands and carry us when we are weak. Hallelujah for His grace is sufficient for us to move victoriously as we face challenges. Greater is He who in us than he is in the world. All glory and praise to be God for giving us the greatest gift. (Jesus, His only Son as our Lord and Savior). We love You, Jesus.

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