Monday, November 8, 2010

My faith in my God my Father

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
I always give thanks and praise God for brothers and sisters in Christ for upholding us in their prayers and their best wishes as we decided to come to Toronto in Sept 2009. I received a e-mail from my brother in law( which i have kept till now) two days after we landed in Toronto. His e=mail has encouraged me a lot when i faced challenges of settling down in new place. He said that as we moved to new country Thean Sang and i should have united heart and our faith in God will lead us through every challenges that we face as we settle down. He said that every challenges can be met and every problem can be solved as we put our faith in God. Hallelujah! for His e-mail which God have used to assure me to put our faith in Him to lead us through in all situations for our Lord God is Almighty. We know that we are in our family thoughts and prayers even though we are apart. To be frank, it is not easy to settle down in new country but with the blessing of God who is in control in everything, we will be fine and happy for our Lord God is with us always. In facing challenges i feel strong in the Lord who strengthen me day by day and in the time of uncertainty i can only put my trust and have faith in God. All glory be to God our Father, In Jesus name, Amen.

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